8 🤘 AI Tools This Week

+ Google, OpenAI, & Amazon's SLUE of releases & new AI from Zoom, Wordpress, Runway, & more

AI is improving hearing aids, making beaches safer, guiding the visually impaired, and enhancing daily life for people with limited mobility.

Plus, the Cleveland Clinic’s new fellowship program aims to improve healthcare diagnostics, accelerate drug discovery, and advance personalized medicine with AI.

And that’s all just good news from the last TWO days! What a beautiful world we live in. 🤩

In This Issue:
  • 💥 Big News: Google, OpenAI, & Amazon's slue of releases, free Perplexity Pro, & new AI from Zoom, Wordpress, Runway, & more

  •  Weekly Spotlight: Drive engagement with faceless videos

  • 🔥 Hot Tools: Create stunning images, customGPTs for your business, products customers want, & 5 more

  • 🌟 GPT of the Week: Bring objects to life

  • 💡 Quick Tutorial: Transform sketches into detailed photos

💥 Big News

AI Releases From Big Tech

Google now lets you ask your browsing history questions, compare products from multiple tabs at once + is now auto-selecting photos for local service ads & integrated Gemini into its Nest cameras & new Google TV Streamer.

Open AI quietly released an upgraded GPT-4o, enhanced ChatGPT for Mac that enables multitasking, introduced ‘Structured Outputs’ to ensure API-generated outputs precisely follow JSON schemas.

Zoom introduced ‘Zoom Docs’ for creating & editing shared files.

WordPress launched an AI tool that helps you write stronger content.

Amazon launched ‘Titan Image Generator v2’, a feature that finds podcasts based on episode topics, & a new model that identifies malicious domains.

Coursera’s new AI training programs aim to help you grow your career.

Runway updated Gen-3 Alpha to allow you to start or end your videos with specific images.

Perplexity Pro is available for free for Uber One subscribers.

💫 Check out the 90 AI products & features Big Tech launched in the last week.

 Weekly Spotlight

Tired of the Same Old Stock Videos?

Syllaby gets it. Most AI faceless video tools rely on dull, overused stock footage. Yawn. People tune out, and your views tank…

But you’re not boring, and your brand isn’t generic. You deserve videos that captivate and convert!


With Syllaby, you’ll create faceless videos that are as unique as you are and actually drive engagement. Many users have shared that they got 1,000s of views from their very first video!

In under 3 minutes, you can:

  • Write a killer script on any topic

  • Choose from 25 distinct art styles

  • Clone your own AI voice or choose from 30+ voices

  • Publish or schedule your videos directly to your social channels — no downloading needed

Ready to break free from the boring?

🔥 Hot Tools

8 Trending & Featured AI Tools

CustomGPT.ai: Create a custom GPT with ALL your business content**

Imagine Anything (freemium): Create stunning images effortlessly**

Upmetrics: Plan, launch, & grow your business

Delphi (freemium): Clone yourself to scale your expertise

Lancey: Build products customers want

Archie (freemium): Design apps in minutes, at a fraction of the cost

Dezyn (freemium): Transform diagrams into interactive experiences

Arcane (freemium): Turn user insights into impactful LinkedIn posts


🚀 Don’t miss out! Log in to Futurepedia each Thursday for your 5 personalized tool recommendations.

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🌟 GPT of The Week

Bring Objects To Life

Cartoonizaion GPT

The Cartoonization GPT turns cold, boring bread into warm, delightful toast… Well, not literally.

When you upload an image to this GPT, it takes on the persona of the object — bringing it to life with humor and creativity by answering questions, sharing stories, and engaging in lively discussions from the object’s perspective. This can help you:

  • Capture customers’ attention with unique marketing campaigns & product descriptions

  • Understand customer needs by simulating queries & making products more relatable

  • Make learning fun by explaining historical artifacts, lab equipment, & more in an engaging way

  • Simplify complex information by presenting it from a relatable perspective

  • Attract forward-thinking clients & partners with captivating pitches & presentations

  • Spark innovative business strategies & creative writing ideas

For example, you could upload a photo of:

  • Your product to brainstorm ideas for personality-infused product descriptions & social media posts

  • A book to break down its concepts into simpler concepts

  • A cultural artifact to discover its history & significance

  • Lab equipment to learn its purpose, function, & related experiments & scientific principles

  • Any object to have conversations about it in another language, helping you practice vocabulary & sentence structure

💡 Quick Tutorial

Transform Sketches Into Detailed Photos

Unleash your creativity and boost efficiency by using Adobe Firefly (it’s free!) to transform your rough sketches into stunning photos or professional-grade artwork.

Transform Sketches Into Photos Example

By turning your doodles into dazzling digital masterpieces, you can:

  • Effortlessly experiment with various styles, colors, & compositions

  • Rapidly prototype & explore multiple concepts

  • Add realistic details & textures that are otherwise challenging to achieve

  • Communicate ideas more effectively to clients & stakeholders

  • Create art easily — just for the fun of it!

How To Do It

Step 1: Ensure your sketch is in a digital format using a scanner or by taking a photo with your phone. Convert it to a .png or .jpeg format (you can use the Convert Anything GPT to do this).

Step 2: Go to Adobe Firefly (or access Firefly via Creative Cloud) & navigate to the Text-to-Image Module.

Step 3: Into the text bar, type in a prompt that describes your sketch and anything else you want in your new image. Hit ‘Generate’.

Step 4: In the ‘Settings’ panel, set your desired aspect ratio.

Step 5: Under ‘Content type’, select either ‘Photo’ for a more photorealistic feel or ‘Art’ for an illustrative style.

Step 6: Under ‘Composition’, select ‘Upload Image’ to add your sketch as a reference image. Use the ‘Strength’ slider to adjust how closely the new image follows your sketch (all the way to the right = more similar).

Optional Step: Under ‘Styles’, adjust the visual intensity (i.e., the level of detail & complexity), and select any ‘Effects’, ‘Color and Tone’, ‘Lighting’, or ‘Camera Angle’ options that you want applied to the new image.

Step 7: Hit ‘Generate’.

Step 8: Experiment to get the image you want by adjusting your prompt (e.g., say ‘detailed oil painting’ or ‘made of yarn’), changing various settings, or trying different effects.

Practical Applications

  • Presentations & Proposals: Provide a clear representation of ideas & concepts

  • Marketing: Create custom images for ads, social media posts, & blogs

  • Branding & Graphic Design: Creatively transform logos & develop graphic elements for web, apps, & emails

  • Product Prototyping: Visualize new products & easily make iterative improvements

  • Customized Client Solutions: Offer personalized visuals based on clients’ sketches

  • Education: Create engaging imagery for lessons & make complex ideas easier to understand

  • Game & Film Production: Streamline storyboarding by conceptualizing characters & scenes

  • Architecture & Interior Design: Help clients visualize spaces

  • Fashion & Apparel Design: Conceptualize outfits & gear before creating them